Know Your Fucking Place, Trash


This memorable quote, “Know your fucking place, trash,” comes from an uploaded Youtube video by a user named Filthy Frank. On April 5th, 2016, Filthy Frank uploaded this video titled “LOSER READS HATER COMMENTS 4” which gained around 10 million videos in only three years. The scene that this quote is taken from comes to life when Frank throws a broken laptop into a trash bin, telling the laptop to know its place.

Increased Popularity:

A week after this video was posted, another Youtube user uploaded this same clip which gained over 179,000 views in three years. On the 24th of April, this clip was edited by another Youtube user bringing in 48,000 likes.

Later in the year, the first documented image of this scene and quote was posted on Imgur, getting over 41 points and over 2,600 views in 8 months. In the coming months, this image saw multiple edited examples appearing on popular sites such as Instagram and Reddit.



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