Adobe’s logo is based on a design created by the wife of Adobe co-founder John Warnock, way back in 1982. Do you really think the firm has any intention of changing that “iconic” A? No, of course not. And yet it recently tasked a number of talented designers to rethink the logo, for no apparent reason. It would seem the designers were only to happy to play ball, knowing that their efforts would come to naught but that they would nevertheless benefit from Adobe’s extensive reach.

The latest Kickstarter project to catch my attention is something called the Shortcut-S. Its creators are apparently long-time Photoshop users who tired of the program’s myriad and increasingly complex keyboard shortcuts and decided to create a device to make them all available via a single touch.

To that end the keyboard has 299 dedicated Photoshop keys, with an additional 20 available for user customization. The Kickstarter project, which hopes to raise the not-so-modest sum of $185,280, will make the keyboards available for a pledge of $109. And if it’s funded, there will apparently be overlays created for additional applications.

I’m not convinced of the practicality of this. I use Photoshop all day but to be honest not for work that requires a steady stream of complex shortcuts. But if I was a professional retoucher, this might seem like an answered prayer. Then there’s the size — I’d have to buy a new desk to make room for it and of course keep the cats off it. So while I hope the project gets funded, I think I’ll be spending that hundred bucks on more memory for my aging system.